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Jacob Cohen
Jul 1, 2021
#53: Puzzle Spotlight: KenKen
Hello, and welcome. With these three puzzles, the first year of Puzzles for Progress is complete! (I get that this is Issue #53, not...

Jacob Cohen
Jun 24, 2021
#52: Whirlpool; Slitherlink; Spiral
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Whirlpool, Slitherlink, Spiral. Not a ton to say today. They're puzzles, with logic and...

Jacob Cohen
Jun 17, 2021
#51: Cell Blocks; Arrow Capsules; Overpath
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Today, I'm upgrading Cell Blocks (aka Shikaku) from 8x8 to 10x10 (it needed the space). Also,...

Jacob Cohen
Jun 10, 2021
#50: The King's Tour; Slitherlink; Vowelless Crossword
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress's 50th issue! King's Tour, Slitherlink, Vowelless Crossword, not a ton to say. The King's Tour...

Jacob Cohen
Jun 3, 2021
#49: Puzzle Spotlight: Fillomino
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! It's the first puzzle page of June, which makes it Puzzle Spotlight time! This week, it's...

Jacob Cohen
May 27, 2021
#48: Combinations; Whirlpool; Star Battle
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Every time I do Combinations, I feel like the pool of good combinations has been shrinking...
Jacob Cohen
May 23, 2021
Announcing: Puzzles for Progress Book!
I'm extremely excited to announce that I'm compiling a Puzzles for Progress book! It's still in the early stages, but my plan is to take...

Jacob Cohen
May 20, 2021
#47: Arrow Capsules; Meandering Sudoku; Overpath
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! You know Arrow Sudoku ? Meandering Capsules ? (Okay, it's actually called Meandering...

Jacob Cohen
May 13, 2021
#46: Word Ladder: Across Asia; Enclosures; Star Battle
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! I feel like I've entered into this weird "hype creep" with my puzzles, where every week I've...

Jacob Cohen
May 6, 2021
#45: Puzzle Spotlight: Overpath
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! It's the first puzzle page of the month, so it's Puzzle Spotlight week. The puzzle being...

Jacob Cohen
Apr 29, 2021
#44: Mirrored Gallery; KenKen; Crossword
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! My previous Mirrored Galleries with diagonal symmetry have been on the harder side, so this...

Jacob Cohen
Apr 23, 2021
#43: Building Blocks; Suko; Capsules
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Today, the returns of three fun Puzzles for Progress puzzles: Building Blocks, Suko, and...

Jacob Cohen
Apr 15, 2021
#42: Spiral; Numbergrid; The King's Tour
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! I can't believe we're already at Issue #42; meaning of life and all. I thought about making a...

Jacob Cohen
Apr 8, 2021
#41: Whirlpool; Arrow Sudoku; Overpath
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! This puzzle page contains the debut of two super fun word puzzles–Whirlpool and Overpath–as...

Jacob Cohen
Apr 6, 2021
Puzzles Featured on Scott Strosahl's YouTube Channel!
Scott Strosahl just published on YouTube a video solve of three Puzzles for Progress puzzles! Specifically, he solved the puzzles in the...

Jacob Cohen
Apr 1, 2021
#40: Puzzle Spotlight: Mirrored Gallery
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! For the month of January, each week, instead of showcasing three distinct puzzle types, each...

Jacob Cohen
Mar 25, 2021
#39: LITS; Kakuro; Crossword
Hello again, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Today's puzzle page begins with LITS, a shading puzzle I've been doing a bunch of...

Jacob Cohen
Mar 18, 2021
#38: Word Ladder: Terraform; Capsules; Arrow Sudoku
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Today, a long-overdue sequel to the popular Election Word Ladder, this one titled...

Jacob Cohen
Mar 12, 2021
#37: Cell Blocks; Double or Nothing; speliq rúfórm
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! This puzzle page contains Cell Blocks, returning for its fifth appearance; Double or Nothing,...

Jacob Cohen
Mar 5, 2021
#36: Heteromino; The King's Tour; Spiral
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Today, a gentle region-dividing puzzle known as Heteromino, a medium-to-hard King's Tour, and...
Puzzles: Blog2
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