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  • Writer's pictureJacob Cohen

#59: Crossword; Tetrominous (Borders); Slitherlink

Hey y'all! Puzzles for Progress time. First, I want to mention that Scott Strosahl again recorded his solve of my puzzles on YouTube, this time last week's Star Battles. Watch his video here!

Anyway, today's puzzles. Since people seem to like crosswords, I made one! It's an 11x11 themeless, and I think the clues have some spice to them. Also, a Tetrominous puzzle, technically Tetrominous (Borders). If you've ever done a Pentominous, it's like that, but with four-cell regions. But if you haven't, this should be a nice introduction. Also, a trickier Slitherlink where every clue is a 1! (Sure, that's a factorial.) I think 1 clues are my favorite in Slitherlink–they're almost as restricted as 3s, but they have fewer "rules of thumb" associated with them, so they're less rote. Anyway, I made a puzzle where it's the only type of clue, which I think is pretty cool!

Print the puzzles out using the following links:

Tetrominous (Borders):

Alternatively, here they are all on one page:

Or solve the puzzles online using the following links:

Crossword: (Crossword Hobbyist)

Crossword: (Downloadable .puz file you can use to solve on a variety of platforms, including, Crossword Nexus, and Across Lite)

Tetrominous (Borders): (Penpa)

Slitherlink: (

And, as always, the answers:

Next week: Ins and Outs; Between Line Capsules; Overpath

Small Details Probably Only Jacob Cares About Corner (it's a thing, I've done it twice before)

I was able to remove the italics from all the blog posts on Wix! You'd think this would be extremely quick, but it was ingrained in the theme I chose, or something like that. You'll be thrilled to know that Puzzles for Progress now uses the "Timeless" theme instead of the "Classic" one.

Also, for reading this far, a Tetrominous protip: there are five types of tetrominoes, and I often find it useful to run through them when thinking of what a cell can be.

Happy puzzling as always!


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