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Jacob Cohen
May 27, 2021
#48: Combinations; Whirlpool; Star Battle
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Every time I do Combinations, I feel like the pool of good combinations has been shrinking...

Jacob Cohen
Dec 11, 2020
#24: Cell Blocks; Suko; Combinations
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Nothing much to say this week, I made a puzzle page with three puzzles–Cell Blocks, Suko, and...

Jacob Cohen
Nov 6, 2020
#19: Nurikabe; KenKen; Combinations
Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! I recently discovered, which allows many puzzles to be easily created with a nice...

Jacob Cohen
Aug 21, 2020
#8: Hidden Wisdom; Capsules; Combinations
Hi everyone! I know it's a little vain, but I'm super proud of the Capsules in this puzzle. It has no starting numbers at all, but still...

Jacob Cohen
Jul 16, 2020
#3: Enclosures; Capsules; Combinations
Hi everyone! Puzzles for Progress is back for a third round. I highly recommend you print it out by using the link...
Puzzles: Blog2
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