Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress. First, some book news: I now have test copies of my upcoming book Best of Puzzles for Progress!

I was terrified that the gradient in the cover wouldn't look good on paper (as gradients often do), but it actually works! The interior looks great as well, though, of course, I have a gazillion minor edits to make. If you haven't yet, don't forget that you can still preorder it at tinyurl.com/best-of-pfp! The book is designed to be a good introduction to Puzzles for Progress, so if you have any friends that you think would be interested, be sure to direct them to the book as well. I anticipate that the book will be available sometime this October!
Anyway, for today's regularly scheduled programming: a word puzzle that's not clue based: Ins and Outs, where you're given the insides and outsides of various words, and have to figure out what they are. Also, a Capsules (aka Suguru) puzzle featuring between lines, a neat constraint I don't think I've used before, and a standard Overpath.
Print the puzzles out using the following links:
Ins and Outs: tinyurl.com/pfp-60a-insandouts
Ins and Outs (easier, matched version): tinyurl.com/pfp-60a-insandouts-matched
Between Line Capsules: tinyurl.com/pfp-60b-betweenlinecapsules
Overpath: tinyurl.com/pfp-60c-overpath
Alternatively, here they are all on one page: tinyurl.com/puzzlesforprogress-60
Or solve the Between Line Capsules online at the following link:
And, as always, the answers: tinyurl.com/pfp-60-answers
Small Details Probably Only Jacob Cares About Corner
I used thicker lines on the Between Line Capsules! Both the printable and online versions. I think this just makes it a little clearer, and people seem to like it.
Next week: Crossword; Star Battle; Whirlpool
