Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress!
After many weeks of PfP news drought, there's plenty today. I'll start with this: it's been some time since the first two iterations of the contest, but Picking A Name For Our Puzzle Contest Was Harder Than The Actual Puzzles Are (PANFOPCWHTTAPA) is back for round 3, and it's happening now on Logic Masters India!
As with the previous contests, this one features fifteen logic puzzles, written by myself, David "djmathman" Altizio, Priyam "punchingcatto" Bhushan, and Botaku, and all are intended to be accessible to solvers of all experience levels. The puzzle types are Aquarium, Akari, Fillomino, Midloop, and Nanro. The contest duration is 1 hour, and you can participate officially from today to November 16th, Indian time. Simply click here and follow instructions to join! (Though, as is tradition, I'll probably also repost the puzzles on PfP in two weeks for those of you who want to solve unofficially, as it enables me to do less work.)
In other news, my book Best of Puzzles for Progress is now on sale at the gift shop at the National Museum of Mathematics, aka MoMath, in Manhattan, New York! It's an amazing museum, absolutely worth visiting if you're in the city. Anyway, MoMath manages their own gift shop inventory (as opposed to many museums, who outsource it), and I'm so grateful and excited that they agreed to stock my book!
Speaking of New York (this is an incredible segue), The New York Times has decided to curate their Wordles, with Tracy Bennett in charge. Clearly they're copying Puzzles fordle Progress, which has been doing that since March! I've got a normal one today: solve
For today's puzzles, start with this For Starters puzzle that also reads "start", though there's only the PDF for this one:
Next, a puzzle that coincidentally also co-starred with For Starters six issues back, KenKen:
And finally, yet another Spiral, the puzzle type I can never seem to get enough of. This one is the result of a new computer search for long, juicy crossings:
